Monday, February 16, 2009

Facebook Fast

Technology is all around us. We have websites now days for just about everything. Some for delivering the news, others for emailing, and lastly a recent addition, websites for networking. The most popular networking website is Facebook.
Facebook has taken over and now consumes some people's lives. They are consumed with the continual need to update statues and change profile pictures. For some people their whole life becomes a continuous motion of technology. They listen to their Ipod on the way to class, check their email from their phone, and even send messages instead of talk to people face to face.
For some students facebook started taking over their lives, so they decided to create a facebook fast. According to a news article in the Washington Times, this new phenamemon is occuring in a number of college campuses.
Students are noticing a difference during the fast. Grades are improving, which is always a plus during college. Relationships are also strengthing, by people having to make an effort to see someone rather then just leaving a facebook message.
For myself personally I think a facebook fast would be a great idea. I have already started it somewhat. My first two years of college I used it a lot, but now I feel less attachment to the site.

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful response. I don't need to read everyone's status update. My husband gets very upset about the amount of hours I can spend on the internet.
