Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Access or Excel?

This semester we learned about both Access and Excel. Access seems to be a complicated version of Excel. With Access you are able to integrate tables, reports, and queries so all your information will be right there at your fingertips. Also by using Access you can use information from a specific table and turn it into a table. Also information for multiply tables are able to be used.

In the world of business it seems that companies would use Access more to hold information about clients and orders. Also information about shipping and history could be stored in Access. A company could create a report from the information saved in the tables.

Internet Policies

Internet Policies for businesses is a huge HR issue. Workers feel that they should be able to use the computer for whatever they feel to be appropriate while the company wants only work-related activity done on the computers. I believe that employees should not use computers for non work related activities besides emailing, which should not take more than 20 minutes. Workers should be allowed to use the computer for things such as shopping during their break or lunch time.

Companies have the right to check up and follow what is being done on computers since it is company property. Employees do not need to be informed about being monitored, since they should be following the set instructions displayed by the company.

Like the other answer companies have a right to monitor what is viewed on the screens. So blocking sites is allowed.

Monday, April 20, 2009


This is my PowerPoint presentation over a gold company named Barrick. I used SlideShare to upload my PowerPoint from my computer to the internet. It's scary sometimes how easy it is to publish information to the internet. Who is to say that my information is correct.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I love my igoogle start page. It has everything I need all on one page. I have weather, email and news from around the world. I also enjoy the random youtube videos that appear for when I get bored!

I am able to add different tabs, so occasionally I move around my tabs just for fun. Another neat feature is I can change the background.

I love igoogle!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I used Picasa to create my collage.

All of my pictures are from my trip on the PacRim during my junior spring semester. These pictures are taken from the time spent in New Zealand and Australia.

Picasa was easy to create. All of these pictures were in the same folder, so all I had to do was push the collage button.

It was so easy to make!
Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Swing Wordle

The Wordle is taken from my favorite childhood poem written by Robert Louise Stevenson.
Wordle: The Swing

Monday, February 16, 2009

Facebook Fast

Technology is all around us. We have websites now days for just about everything. Some for delivering the news, others for emailing, and lastly a recent addition, websites for networking. The most popular networking website is Facebook.
Facebook has taken over and now consumes some people's lives. They are consumed with the continual need to update statues and change profile pictures. For some people their whole life becomes a continuous motion of technology. They listen to their Ipod on the way to class, check their email from their phone, and even send messages instead of talk to people face to face.
For some students facebook started taking over their lives, so they decided to create a facebook fast. According to a news article in the Washington Times, this new phenamemon is occuring in a number of college campuses.
Students are noticing a difference during the fast. Grades are improving, which is always a plus during college. Relationships are also strengthing, by people having to make an effort to see someone rather then just leaving a facebook message.
For myself personally I think a facebook fast would be a great idea. I have already started it somewhat. My first two years of college I used it a lot, but now I feel less attachment to the site.